It is with regret that I must share the following news – Zen and the Art of Climbing has died.

Having run for the better part of 8 years, Zen was beginning to show its age prior to its tragic demise. 8 is something like 56 in dog years, but in internet years, it’s a length of time best represented on the Geological Timescale. Since it’s inception in the late Cenozoic Era, Zen fought valiantly against a slow decline before finally passing away due to irrelevance and neglect.

This website now functions as simple archive for the material which was produced on the erstwhile blog. Some of it may continue to prove useful or entertaining, but then again, it may not. Who’s to say? There were some inevitable formatting errors produced when interring the website to it’s tomb (paragraph errors, image resize problems etc). For these, I beg forgiveness, for I can find neither a cheap nor quick way to rectify these. If you take umbrage with a particular post, please let me know and I’ll attempt to reformat them on a case-by-case basis.

I’m often asked if I will ever pick up the proverbial quill again, and the short answer is yes. I am currently working on projects of a longer persuasion – books, you could call them. There is always a chance that the blog could be revived through some arcane voodoo ritual involving the requisite sacrifice of blood. It is, however, a very slim chance.

Look good. Climb hard. Stay safe.
Ryan Siacci, Esq.

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